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Shakila Stewart

“Walk This Way Movement Inc” is an association to empower women.

Shakila Stewart is the mastermind behind it all. She is a Jane of all trades; she is a model, actress, musical theater director and women’s advocate. She might have the glamour, but she is also humble, dedicated, passionate and extremely persistent.

In 2010, is when Shakila had her wake up call, her mother passed away and was left the responsibility to raise her brother. She was heartbroken and at the same time anxious financially, as she was a struggling artist at the time.

Trauma affects individuals in various ways by either giving up or fighting back. Giving up was not an option, her brother depended on her.

She realized many women are forced to conquer obstacles everyday, but some are afraid to conquer their dreams and make them a reality. From that realization, she found her purpose, to empower women from all walks of life to know their value, be confident, discovering talents, pursuing dreams, support other women and walk through life obstacles like a runway.

Shakila took a closet item and have given it power, by redefining it to build confidence and community.

“Walk This Way” signature workshop, combines affirmations, posture technique while learning how to walk and dance, while wearing heels. The uniqueness of this workshop, at the end of each session every woman gets up and walks the runway. Wearing heels boosts a woman’s confidence, makes her stand tall, chin-up and feel powerful.

One obstacle she had to overcome in starting “Walk This Way Movement” was getting people to understand the concept, the movement, the call to action was to get women to step outside of their comfort zone to pursue their dreams and that this heel class would give them the confidence to do so. People couldn't understand how walking and dancing wearing heels connects to achieving their dreams, but once they took the class they understood the concept.

Shakila did confess the movement got big quick.

Even her second class was taught on national Television, on a mid-morning show, Windy City Live. She was on a mission, she kept reaching out to Val Warner through twitter, until she finally acknowledged her and that is how Shakila got on the show - she even got the legendary News Anchor 80 year old Merri Dee to stand up and be part of the movement. She was persistent!

As the business grew rapidly, she quit her nine to five job. She admitted that was her biggest mistake, since she did not have a clear business plan, as the movement was a one-class session; she hit a wall, but went back to the drawing board and expended the curriculum to a 10-week workshop.

On May 7th, 2017, she was awarded "She Rock's It" award - Celebrating women who rock - for building a brand that inspires others.

This brings her back to what her role model had taught her. Tasha Pitchford, has been her mentor since she was 9 years old, Tasha always taught her the value of being authentic with herself and others, be a woman of her word, have integrity, set standards and value herself.

Success to Shakila, means being confident in what you have to offer, loving yourself and having a healthy self esteem. She attributes her success to her faith in Christ, gift of networking, taking risks and perseverance.

She preaches "Be confident and create a business plan. 1. Believe in yourself 2. Have a business plan 3. Network like crazy"

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